in 6936 Cademario

Type of use Housing Type of commercialization Purchase
Type House Property type: Villa
Postcode 6936 City Cademario
State Ticino Country Switzerland
Province (CH) Lugano Living area 315 sqm
Total area 315 sqm Number of rooms 10
Number of terraces 820 Garden area 800 sqm
Balcony/Terrace Yes Sauna Yes
Swimming pool Yes Storage room Yes
Terrace Yes Washing/Drying room Yes
Fireplace Yes Purchase price CHF 1'950'000
Currency CHF
Type of use Housing
Type of commercialization Purchase
Type House
Property type: Villa
Postcode 6936
City Cademario
State Ticino
Country Switzerland
Province (CH) Lugano
Living area 315 sqm
Total area 315 sqm
Number of rooms 10
Number of terraces 820
Garden area 800 sqm
Balcony/Terrace Yes
Sauna Yes
Swimming pool Yes
Storage room Yes
Terrace Yes
Washing/Drying room Yes
Fireplace Yes
Purchase price CHF 1'950'000
Currency CHF
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